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Version: 4.xx.xx


useParsed is a hook that leverages the parse method of the routerProvider to access the URL and query parameters along with the inferred resource, action and id from the URL.

Basic Usage​

import { useParsed } from "@refinedev/core";

const MyComponent = () => {
const {
params: {
...restParams // Any other parameters are also parsed and available in `params`
} = useParsed();

/* ... */

Return Values​


This is the active resource that is matched by the current route and the action definitions in the resources array of the Refine component. It will be undefined if there is no match.


This is the active action that is matched by the current route and the action definitions in the resources array of the Refine component. It will be undefined if there is no match.


This is the main parameter used by the refine in API interactions. It will also be available in the params object but it is also available as a separate value for convenience. It will be undefined if there is no id parameter in the URL.


This is the current pathname of the URL.


This is the filters that are parsed from the URL. It will be undefined if there is no filters parameter in the URL. This property is used in the syncWithLocation feature of the useTable.


This is the sorters that are parsed from the URL. It will be undefined if there is no sorters parameter in the URL. This property is used in the syncWithLocation feature of the useTable.


This is the current page that is parsed from the URL. It will be undefined if there is no current parameter in the URL. This property is used in the syncWithLocation feature of the useTable.


This is the page size that is parsed from the URL. It will be undefined if there is no pageSize parameter in the URL. This property is used in the syncWithLocation feature of the useTable.


This is the object that contains all the parameters that are parsed from the URL. It will be an empty object if there is no parameter in the URL. params object contains both the URL parameters and the query parameters.

Type Parameters​

TParamsQuery parameters typeRecord<string, any>
Last updated on Jul 19, 2023 by Yıldıray Ünlü